
November, 2012: Blue Teacher, green student: Using animations to discuss interaction in the mathematics classroom.
Developer and Instructor of seminar for teachers. College of Education, University of Maryland.
This two-days’ workshop was offered to secondary mathematics teachers as a part of Seminars for Teachers (SFT), 2012 program at UMD. The teachers explored an online rich-media environment which allows creating two-dimensional representations of classroom scenarios that addressed the implementation of CCSS for Mathematical Practice #3: Constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others. 

February – March, 2013: LessonSketch Workshops: Using animated representations of teaching in Teacher Education.
Co-developer and Co-Instructor of series of workshops for teacher educators. College of Education, University of Maryland.
This series of four workshops was developed and implemented in collaboration with Daniel Chazan as a part of ThEMaT project agenda related to High Leverage Teaching Practices. It included hands-on activities which utilized the technological affordances of LessonSketch to support teacher educators at the College of Education at UMD in making their methods courses more practice oriented.